Homemade Big Mac 

makes 2 burgers


Big Mac Sauce 
½ cup GOOD FAT Mayo
2 tbsp GOOD FAT Tomato Sauce 
1 heaped tbsp pickle / gherkin relish
2 tbsp minced onion
2 tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1/4 tsp salt

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
4 PEPPERCORN Extra Lean Beef Burgers, flattened 
1/2 brown onion, finely diced
2 cups shredded iceberg lettuce
8 dill gherkins, sliced
2 GLUTEN FREEDOM burger buns, toasted
Sea salt and cracked black pepper, to season 


Get started on the famous Big Mac sauce. In a bowl, mix the mayo, tomato sauce, gherkin relish, minced onion, minced garlic, apple cider vinegar, and salt. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate while getting on to the rest of the dish.

Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat and cook the beef for 3-4 minutes per side or to your desired doneness. Now that they’re nice and flat, they won't take long to cook through. Once cooked, transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to soak up any excess oil.

To assemble, start with a lightly toasted gluten-free bun base, smeared with the Big Mac sauce, diced onions, shredded iceberg, one of the patties, 2 gherkins, then repeat for a second later and top with the lightly toasted top of the bun. Repeat so you have 2 Big Macs. 


Coconut Banana Bread 


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